Pelatihan ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library) V2 Fundamental

Pelatihan ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library) V2 Fundamental

Pelatihan ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library) V2 Fundamental Descriptions

This course provides IT Managers and Practitioners with a practical understanding of the key concepts, principles, processes and functions that enables successful IT Service Management provision. It also prepares delegates for the ITIL Foundation Certificate Examination. The course is based on the ITIL best practice service lifecycle approach.

Objectives Pelatihan ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library) V2 Fundamental

The course enables delegates to understand how an integrated IT Service Management framework, based on ITIL best practice guidelines, can be adopted and adapted within their own organizations.
* To provide proven practical guidance on how to successfully introduce an integrated IT Service Management framework based on the ITIL best practice service lifecycle approach.
* To prepare delegates for the ITIL Foundation Certificate in IT Service Management examination

Target Audience

* Managers involved and related in the IT operations
* IT staff and executives involved in risk management and business process improvement
* Information technology professionals involved in projects that are concerned, in part, with the automation of business processes
* IT Managers and Practitioners involved in the strategy, design, and implementation and ongoing delivery of business-used IT services and who require an insight into Service Management best practice

Course Contents and Descriptions ITIL V2

The course is assignment based, with practical coursework. It is based upon the

OGC’s ITIL Books:
* Service Strategy
* Service Design
* Service Transition
* Service Operation
* Continual Service Improvement.

There is particular importance placed on developing an underlying service culture within the IT organization.

Segment 1:

Introduction to Service Management
* The importance of Service Management
* Definition of a Service and Service Management
* The need for a service culture
* Service Management as a practice

Segment 2:

The Service Lifecycle

The objectives and business value for each phase of the lifecycle. The main goals and value to the business provided by each phase of the lifecycle covering the 5 core books:
* Service Strategy
* Service Design
* Service Transition
* Service Operation
* Continual Service Improvement

Segment 3:

Key Principles and models of ITSM

Key Principles and models of ITSM:
* The types of service provider
* The five major aspects of Service Design
* The service V model
* The Continual Service Improvement model

Segment 4:

The Processes and Functions
* Define the characteristics of a process
* The objectives, business value, basic concepts, roles and interfaces of:
+ Service Portfolio Management
+ Service Level Management
+ Incident Management
+ Change Management
* The objectives and basic concepts of:
+ Demand Management
+ Financial Management
+ Service Catalogue Management
+ Availability Management
+ Capacity Management
+ Supplier Management
+ Information Security Management
+ IT Service Continuity Management
+ Service Asset and Configuration Management
+ Release and Deployment Management
+ Event Management
+ Problem Management
+ Request Fulfillment
+ Access Management
+ The 7 step improvement process
* Explanation of the functions:
+ Service Desk, Application Management, Operations Management, Technical Management
* Organization structure and key roles
+ Using the RACI model
* Technology and Architecture
+ Generic requirement for an integrated set of ITSM technology

Segment 5: Documentation
* Comprehensive course documentation is provided.

Segment 6: Cases
* ITIL cases
* Management
* Enterprise Model

IT Governance Process

Segmen pelatihan ini membahas hubungan yang terstruktur dari kegiatan-kegiatan guna mengarahakan dan mengendalikan proses-proses IT agar searah dengan usaha usaha untuk mencapai tujuan organisasi seperti:
* Struktur dari IT Governance
* Kerangka acuan (framework) IT Governance
* Proses-proses IT Governance dan Action Plan

IT Strategic Alignment

Subjek pelatihan ini akan membahas seluruh aspek yang terkait dengan keselarasan strategic (strategic alignment) dengan fokus utama pada investasi IT (IT investment) dan nilai bisnis (business value), cakupannya adalah:
* Keselarasan strategi IT dengan strategi bisnis
* Deliverables IT yang selaras dengan strategi bisnis
* Keseimbangan antara strategi IT investasi IT dalam hubungannya dengan strategi bisnis

Penentuan Value Enterprise

Tujuan dari segmen pelatihan ini akan memberikan kemampuan kepada peserta untuk dapat menentukan IT Values yang diperlukan oleh organisasi, seperti:
* Rencana implementasi strategi
* Pengarahan keselarasan bisnis
* Keselarasan proses
* Nilai delivery (value delivery)
* Ekspektasi bisnis
* Ekspektasi yang berhubungan dengan Working Method
* IT Value Delivery
* Perkpektif IT Value

Risk Management

This part of the training shall enlighten the participants with all aspects of risks as related to IT Values delivery to the enterprise, the subject shall cover such as:
* Managing Enterprise Risks
* Safeguarding Enterprise Assets and Disaster Recovery
* Cost of IT Security

Resource Management

This part of the training shall escalate the awareness of participants on optimizing knowledge as related to IT infrastructure, the subject shall cover:
* Investment Infrastructure
* IT Operational Spending
* IT Assets Management
* Human Resources
* Balancing Cost of Infrastructure with Quality of Service

Performance Management

This part of the training shall provide to the participants the capability to select and use a framework (tools) to be applied in evaluating, directing and monitoring the portfolio of IT application in their organizations, the coverage shall be:
* Performance Drivers
* IT Balanced Scorecard (IT BSC)
* Capability Maturity Models (CMM)

Integration Strategies and Tactics for IT Governance

This subject of this training provide participants with the knowledge on how an organization get the capabilities in diagnosing and designing the IT Governance with the coverage such as:
* IT Portfolios at Local Business
* IT Governance Models
* Strategic Flexibility and the Impacts to IT organization
* IT value Drivers
* Design Logic for Governance

Structures, Process & Relational Mechanisms for IT Governance Incident and Response Management (Business Continuity Plan/BCP)

The subject of the training shall enlighten the participants with all issues and aspects of business continuity and the relation with IT governance, the subject shall cover as the followings:
* An information security steering group function
* Legal and regulatory issues associated with Internet businesses, global transmissions and trans border data flows
* Common insurance policies and imposed conditions
* Information security process improvement Recovery time objectives (RTO) for information resources
* Cost benefits analysis techniques in assessing options for mitigating risks threats and exposures to acceptable levels.
* Security metrics design, development and implementation.
* Information security management due diligence activities and reviews of the infrastructure.

IT Governance and COBIT Mapping

The subject the training describes on the framework for control and measurability of IT processes based on COBIT framework which covers:
* Performance Measurement Elements
* Critical Success Factors in IT Processes
* Related Maturity Model

IT Governance and ITIL

This part of the training describes how ITIL implementation shall support the achievement of IT Governance in an organization, the subject covers such as:
* ITIL Framework
* ITIL and IT Governance

Good Corporate Governance for ICT

This subject of the course provides the participants with one of the tool in order to achieve condition of IT Governance as using Australian Standard for Good Corporate Governance (GCG) in ICT (Information Communication and Telecommunication)which:
* Principle of GCG in ICT
* AS-8015 Model

Trainer Pelatihan ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library) V2 Fundamental:

Dr. Ir. Fauzi Hasan, MM, MBA

Dr. Fauzi Hasan Pada saat ini adalah President American Academy untuk Chapter Indonesia yang melingkupi American Academy of Project Management dan American Academy of Finance Management yang berpusasat di Colorado Spring, Colorado USA.

Pengalaman Dr. Fauzi Hasan diperkaya dengan keterlibatannya pada beberapa proyek terkait Business Process Modeling dan Improvement yang selaras dengan standard dan metodologi CMMI (Capability Maturity Model and Integration), dimana dalam akhir dekade ini banyak membantu organisasi Pemerintah dan Bank dalam membangun dan mengimplementasi Crisis Management Strategy seperti pembuatan BCP (Business Continuity Plan) dan DRP (Disaster Recovery Plan).

Dr. Fauzi Hasan telah memberikan kontribusi langsung untuk penyelesaian dan keberhasilan penerapan Frameworks dan Best Practices seperti: ITIL, COBIT, PMBOK, Prince2, TOGAF, ISO 20000, ISO 27000, ISO 38500, COSO dan yang lain diberbagai bidang industri. Sebagai seorang profesioal yang kompeten di bidang teknologi informasi, manajemen proyek dan proses bisnis ini dibuktikan dengan dimilikinya sejumlah sertifikat Internasional terkait tata kelola teknologi informasi dan industri (IT and Industrial Goverannce).

Dr. Fauzi Hasan dalam karirnya sebagai executive telah bekerja di beberapa perusahaan lokal maupun internasional seperti: Philips Netherlands, Sony , Warner Lambert, Singapore Technology Logistics, Hewlett-Packard, EMTEK Group, Intergraph, Jatis eCom-Sumitomo Group, dan ERESHA Group.

Jadwal Pelatihan 2025 :

  • Batch 1 : 30 – 31 Januari 2025
  • Batch 2 : 13 – 14 Februari 2025
  • Batch 3 : 11 – 12 Maret 2025
  • Batch 4 : 16 – 17 April 2025
  • Batch 5 : 15 – 16 Mei 2025
  • Batch 6 : 25 – 26 Juni 2025
  • Batch 7 : 16 – 17 Juli 2025
  • Batch 8 : 6 – 7 Agustus 2025
  • Batch 9 : 3 – 4 September 2025
  • Batch 10 : 8 – 9 Oktober 2025 || 29 – 30 Oktober 2025
  • Batch 11 : 13 – 14 November 2025 || 25 – 27 November 2025
  • Batch 12 : 15 – 16 Desember 2025

Catatan : Jadwal dapat menyesuaikan dengan kebutuhan anda.

Biaya dan Lokasi Pelatihan :

  • Jakarta :
  • Bandung
  • Yogyakarta
  • Surabaya
  • Malang
  • Bali
  • Lombok

Catatan : Biaya diatas belum termasuk akomodasi/penginapan. Apabila ada pertayaan mengenai materi, biaya, lokasi, jadwal dan penawaran lainnya, hubungi kami di nomor CS kami.

Fasilitas Pelatihan di

  1. Penjemputan dari Hotel/Bandara/Stasiun/Terminal.
  2. Training Kit (Dokumentasi photo, Blocknote, ATK, Flashdisk, dll).
  3. Transportasi Peserta ke tempat pelatihan.
  4. 2x Coffe Break & 1 Lunch (Makan Siang).
  5. Training Room Full AC and Multimedia.
  6. Free Bag or Bagpackers (Tas Training).
  7. Softfile Foto Training
  8. Sertifikat Pelatihan.
  9. Souvenir Exclusive.