Training Tentang Integrated Process Oil & Gas Operational, Financial

Pelatihan Integrated Process Oil & Gas Operational, Financial, IT Auditing

Training Tentang Integrated Process Oil & Gas Operational, Financial, IT Auditing



In today’s business climate, oil and gas industry is still becoming a number one revenue contribution to Indonesian government compare to in most organizations. In addition, new technology in oil and gas industry and era economy globalization are posing internal auditor for new challenges in the contemporary workplace – demanding new skills, competencies and professional behaviors. Management expects and demand more from internal auditing role and functions today.

At this workshop, you’ll get a comprehensive, honest look at opportunity to adjust and fine-tune your skills to adapt to this up-to-dated internal audit operational, financial and IT process system in oil and gas industry by using risk and control based approach and in accordance with the International Standards Professional Practice Framework of Internal Auditors (IPPF).

Go step-by-step through internal audit processes to evaluate and conduct compliance test to ensure the adequacy, efficiency and effectiveness of oil & gas operations and systems in various auditable activities, such as in Exploration, Development, Workover Drillings, Production Facilities Project, Plan Maintenance, Purchasing and Procurement of Materials, Accounts Payable, Health Safety Environment (HSE) and more.

Who Should Attend?

* Operational Auditors
* Information Technology Auditors
* Financial Controllers
* Financial Managers
* Risk & Insurance Managers
* ISO Auditors
* External Auditors
* Accountants
* Other interested professionals in internal, external auditing, managerial and supervisory levels in oil and gas industry.

Presentation Method

The Workshop will be presented in Indonesian and English. All participants are expected to actively contribute in class discussion and exchange ideas about audit issues, therefore in order the seminar to be more effectively the number of participants are limited to only 25 persons.

OIL & GAS OUTLINE Training Tentang Integrated Process Oil & Gas Operational, Financial, IT Auditing

A. Audit Definition and Process Phase

  1. The 2011 International Standards Professional Practice Framework of Internal Auditors (IPPF)
    * Attribute standards
    * Performance standards
    * Implementation standards
    * Original general standards
    * Statements on Internal Auditing Standards (SIAS)
  2. Nature and Role of Internal Auditing Internal auditing defined IA department charter and mission statement
    * Events that have contributed to growth in IA
    * Leading-edge trends in internal audit
    * Internal vs. external audit
    * Components of an effective internal audit department
  3. Planning the Audit and Preliminary Fieldwork
    * Performance standard for planning the audit
    * The planning memo and performance standard for the engagement work program.
    * Criteria for an effective audit programs.
    * Developing the audit objective and define audit scope.
    * Operational audit
  4. The Internal Audit step-by-step process
    * Conduct a decomposition of the business process for obtaining a preliminary audit scope.
    * Conduct a brainstorming session to identify Risk of the process, Control Objectives, Department Affected.
    * Issue a Notification Letter to auditee noting the audit and objective.
    * Arrange meeting with auditee’s management obtaining preliminary documents and discuss audit process.
  5. Documenting and Evaluating Internal Risks and Controls
    * Flowcharting to describe the operation activities with narrative information.
    * Develop Internal Control Questionnaire.
    * Perform Internal Control Evaluation Process for cost/benefit considerations.
    * Conduct Compliance Test for effectiveness of the System & Procedures and Company Policy.
  6. Analyzing Internal Controls – COSO ERM
    * Control Environment and risk factors.
    * Risk Assessment strategies for determining risk.
    * Control Activities for identifying auditable activities.
    * Information Processing and Communication.
    * Monitoring the effectiveness of on-going implementation.
  7. Working paper Practices
    * Performance standard for recording information.
    * Working paper techniques and format.
    * Sample working paper and indexing.
    * Attribute standard for quality assurance and compliance.
  8. Audit Findings, Reports and Communication
    * Performance standard for communicating results.
    * Performance standard for monitoring progress
    * Attributes of audit findings.
    * Selling audit findings.
    * Comments on audit findings.
    * Audit report fundamentals.
    * Closing conferences and strategies.

B. Oil & Gas Operational Audit Process Phase

  1. Oil & Gas Cost Recovery System Audit
    * Exploration Non-capital Cost
    * Exploration Non-capital Cost
    * Administration Non-capital Cost
    * Administration Capital Cost (Depreciation)
    * Drilling Non-capital Cost
    * drilling Capital Cost (Depreciation)
    * Production Non-capital Cost
    * Production Capital Cost (Depreciation)
  2. Supply Chain Management – BP MIGAS 007
    * (Pedoman Pengelolaan Rantai Suplai Kontraktor KKS – No. 007/PTK/VI/2004)
    * Goods & Services Tender Process Audit
    * Various Contract Types Audit
    * Purchasing System Audit
  3. BP. MIGAS Oil & Gas PSC Quarterly and Yearly Reporting System Audit
    * WP & B (Work Plan & Budget) Reporting
    * POD (Plan of Development) Reporting
    * AFE (Authorize for Expenditures) Reporting
  4. Drilling Operational Audit
    • Company Owned Drilling Operations :
    1. Rigs & Equipment’s Maintenance Program
    2. Contractor Third Party Drilling Services
    3. Financial Operations Cost Allocation
    • Contractor Drilling Operations :
    1. Availability of Contractor Drilling Rig & Equipment’s.
    2. Contractor Third Party Drilling Services
    3. Daily Rig & Equipment Rental Costs
  5. Production Facilities Plant Maintenance Audit
    Audit Objectives:
    * Department Plan Maintenance activity is well planned.
    * Department Maintenance work process is properly controlled.
    * Department Maintenance operational Cost is estimated, monitored and evaluated properly.
    * Department Maintenance operations monthly reporting for management is issued timely.
  6. Oil and Gas Production Facilities Project Audit
    Audit Objectives:
    * Contract for the Project facilities are awarded in accordance with the company’s policy.
    * Contract terms and conditions are executed in accordance with the company’s policies.
    * Project requirements are well defined, managed and controlled.
    * Cost of the project is properly classified, summarized, reported and controlled.
    * Project materials are procured taking into account, availability of materials within company for use in the project and reasonable lead time for procurement.
    * Materials issued from the company’s warehouse to the Project location are in accordance with Company and the Contractor’s responsibility.
    * Amounts due to contractors for goods and services are properly approved in accordance with authorized work completion estimates.
  7. Three Dimension (3D) Seismic Contract Performance Audit
    Audit Objectives:
    * Terms, conditions and clauses contained in the contract are clear, follow best industry practices.
    * Obligation of the contract is performed in accordance with the spent of the contract.
    * All phases of contract performances are appropriately administered and periodically reported.
    * Work Orders and Materials Issued to contractor are approved, planned and controlled.
    * Measurement system as guidance on achievement target plan is clearly defined.
    * The Company’s Health Safety and Environment (HSE) procedures are followed in the 3D Seismic project activity.
  8. Supply Chain Management – BP MIGAS 007 (Pedoman Pengelolaan Rantai Suplai Kontraktor KKS – No. 007/PTK/VI/2004)
    * Goods & Services Tender Process Audit
    * Various Contract Types Audit
    * Purchasing System Audit
    Audit Objectives:
    * Requests received for purchase of materials are reviewed and registered.
    * Purchases are made from recognized suppliers at competitive market prices.
    * Purchase orders are executed in accordance with corporate policies and procedures
    * Purchase orders issued are monitored until completion of delivery.
    * Security over documents and computer data is administered properly.
  9. BP. MIGAS Oil & Gas PSC Quarterly and Yearly Reporting System Audit
    * WP & B (Work Plan & Budget) Reporting
    * POD (Plan of Development) Reporting
    * AFE (Authorize for Expenditures) Reporting
  10. Accounts Payable System Audit
    Audit Objectives:
    * All incoming vendor invoices and adjustment invoices are promptly recorded into the invoice logging system and distributed to the respective Accounts Payable group for processing and verification.
    * Amounts due to vendors for goods and services are accurately computed, recognized as liabilities promptly and applied to the proper vendor accounts.
    * Tax information is accurately and promptly reported.
    * Payments are made to vendors in accordance with their due date for payment on a cyclical basis.
    * Access to critical records, documents and forms is restricted to authorized personnel.
  11. Health Safety & Environment (HSE) Audit
    * Leadership & Administration,
    * Management Training,
    * Planned Inspections, Accident/Incident Investigation
    * Emergency Preparedness,
    * Organizational Rules,
    * Employee Training,
    * Personal Protective Equipment,
    * Health Control & Services,
    * Personal Communications,
    * Group Meetings,
    * Hiring Placement, Purchasing Controls.
  12. Project & Constructions Audit Contracts
    * Contracts for the Oil and Gas Facilities Expansion Project are awarded in accordance with Company’s policy for procurement and in accordance with governmental regulations.
    * Contract terms and conditions are executed in accordance with the policies established by Company and regulatory authorities.
    Project Management and Control
    * Project requirements are well defined, planned, managed and controlled.
    * Cost of Expansion Project is properly classified, summarized, reported and controlled.
    * Procurement and Logistics
    * Materials are procured taking into account, availability of materials within Company for use in the Project and reasonable lead time for procurement.
    * Materials issued to the Project Location are in accordance with Company’s and the Contractor’s responsibility for providing materials as specified in the contract.
    * Material issued from the Warehouse Section is recorded in the Project Warehouse System.
    * Amounts due to contractors for goods and services are properly approved in accordance with authorized work completion estimates.
    Health Safety & Environment (HSE)
    * All project works are performed in accordance with the company’s HSE regulations


Instruktur yang mengajar pelatihan Integrated Process Oil ini adalah instruktur yang berkompeten di bidang Integrated Process Oil baik dari kalangan akademisi maupun praktisi.

Jadwal Pelatihan 2025 :

  • Batch 1 : 30 – 31 Januari 2025
  • Batch 2 : 13 – 14 Februari 2025
  • Batch 3 : 11 – 12 Maret 2025
  • Batch 4 : 16 – 17 April 2025
  • Batch 5 : 15 – 16 Mei 2025
  • Batch 6 : 25 – 26 Juni 2025
  • Batch 7 : 16 – 17 Juli 2025
  • Batch 8 : 6 – 7 Agustus 2025
  • Batch 9 : 3 – 4 September 2025
  • Batch 10 : 8 – 9 Oktober 2025 || 29 – 30 Oktober 2025
  • Batch 11 : 13 – 14 November 2025 || 25 – 27 November 2025
  • Batch 12 : 15 – 16 Desember 2025

Catatan : Jadwal dapat menyesuaikan dengan kebutuhan anda.

Biaya dan Lokasi Pelatihan :

  • Jakarta :
  • Bandung
  • Yogyakarta
  • Surabaya
  • Malang
  • Bali
  • Lombok

Catatan : Biaya diatas belum termasuk akomodasi/penginapan. Apabila ada pertayaan mengenai materi, biaya, lokasi, jadwal dan penawaran lainnya, hubungi kami di nomor CS kami.

Fasilitas Pelatihan di

  1. Penjemputan dari Hotel/Bandara/Stasiun/Terminal.
  2. Training Kit (Dokumentasi photo, Blocknote, ATK, Flashdisk, dll).
  3. Transportasi Peserta ke tempat pelatihan.
  4. 2x Coffe Break & 1 Lunch (Makan Siang).
  5. Training Room Full AC and Multimedia.
  6. Free Bag or Bagpackers (Tas Training).
  7. Softfile Foto Training
  8. Sertifikat Pelatihan.
  9. Souvenir Exclusive.